Monday, August 06, 2012

[Guest Post] What Are The Benefits Of Organic Clothing?

The environment is stretched to its limits. Pollution is on the minds of (many of) the world's leaders. 

This has led to some industries adopting a more ecological standpoint when producing goods. While fashion hasn't always been known for its adherence to environmental issues, there are some brands who have begun to do something about it. There have been major developments in the clothing industry, with products for adults and organic children's clothing now found more frequently in stores.

What Constitutes Organic Clothing?

Organic clothing is made from materials that have been produced from agricultural farming. It is organic because of its strict use of particular fertilisers and pest controls, restricting the uses of synthetic matter and chemicals. These conditions are enforced by international bodies, and supported by many different countries. The materials produced for organic clothing production include wool, cotton, silk and plants used in the production of courser fabrics such as raime and jute.

Why Organic Clothing Is Good For Our Planet

What makes organic clothing a more attractive idea when buying new items for ourselves or our family?

The main benefit is the lack of chemicals used in their production. Workers not exposed to chemicals and strong pesticides, which reduces immediate health risks. Also, long term health effects are reduced. If more businesses adopted this model it might save on expensive healthcare and litigation in later years.

The knock on effects of this method of manufacture is that local ecology is harmed as little as possible too. Setting up any farming area will affect local wildlife, but with organic farming there is less danger of poisoning or damaging food sources. With fewer chemicals, there is less chance of it seeping into the ground and damaging land for the future.

There's a further advantage of this method of environmentally friendly clothing production. After production, there are no chemicals to be disposed of. The fibres are finished with natural dyes and garments are given ecologically sound treatments. Any waste left over from the production can be disposed of without endangering the surrounding area.

How Successful Is Organic Clothing?

Already the market for organic clothing has increased significantly in the last 20 years. Prior to 1990, the idea of ethically produced, environmentally aware garments was virtually unknown. In the last couple of years, the organic clothing industry produces billions of pounds in profit.

It's a remarkable story, but ethical clothing production is still not the most common way of making clothes today. Perhaps this will change in the future?


About the author: 
Olive Loves Alfie offer a great range of organic baby clothes from a range of designers.