Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Dear all,

This is to be my first post in this blog, the Spinning Planet which is all about new things... future technology, renewable energy, future living, latest one-of-a-kind gadgets, environment modification, greens, marine living etc. -- you name it. I look forward to make this the best information zone about these subjects.

I was born and raised in India, and I work as a digital marketing executive. I like science fiction and electromechanical discussions, and just love spicy food - the more packed with cholesterol, the better.

The past few months have been a fresh start for me, and that’s one of the reason I have started writing again. The external changes that people notice are mainly in my attitude and appearance… and the changes people don’t see, my sweetheart does. Although, she’s strangely reluctant to talk about it. Maybe writing will bring out the old thrill of creation again.

But these are only secondary. The real reason is quite different.

Our world, I think, is on the brink of a mutation. Rather, it’s evolving already, right before our eyes. Compare simply a span of ten years’ technological growth to the same of the  previous decade, and you shall see. Things are changing, right now. Amazing new devices surface every day, mutate, evolve, merge with others, and give birth to new ideas every week. What is new today is old tomorrow. What’s ‘wow’ will be ‘boo’ in a fortnight. My friends, let us not lost track of our future. Let us think up new ways to have a simpler living. Let us visualize modes of getting on we never thought could be.

Contribute your thoughts -- what say you, on the planet’s future? What can you tell us that’s new, really new, not the same old in a new jacket? What’s your science club has thought up? Has anybody invented anything? Has anybody made something new that actually works? How would you like to live ten years from now? How do you think grandchildren will live?

Let us herald the future!

About the author:
Kanchan Kumaar is a blogger and digital marketing executive, owner of this blog, and slightly touched in the head (who else would ignore the bright sunshine outside?)... 
Reach him here, at your own risk.

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